Academic Innovations Higher Ed


Students walking
Whether you're 18, 38 or 58
the career decision-making process is
the same.You've provided a tool that
can be referred to over a lifetime.

Ken Hoyt, Ph.D. Former Director, Office of Career Education U.S.
Department of Education Past President, National Career Development
Association Past President, American Counseling Association
How can we help you?

Student Success Course Example

Click here for an example of a Student Success Course
outline that can be used for planning and development

Your students can choose either the
Career Choices & Changes workbook and
Career Choices & Changes ONLINE student edition

Unlike other college textbooks and online programs, Career Choices & Changes--combined with®--is an interactive, experiential learning experience that teaches a process for making not only career choices, but also for making life choices. 

Students come away from this experience with a productive vision of their future and a 10-year quantitative and meaningful plan for realizing their goals. It helps provide the intrinsic motivation required to succeed in both post-secondary studies and in the workforce.

You'll find these ideal for a variety of 2-and 3-unit classroom-based, hybrid, and distance learning courses such as:

Self-directed learners are highly prized in today’s work place. At the end of each chapter of Career Choices & Changes students will be asked to assess their own learning and understanding of what they have just experienced.

Career Choices & Changes is the ready-made companion to add to your career planning tool kit. This is a holistic and comprehensive resource with exercises, activities, worksheets, objectives, portfolio platforms, and web-based interactive and experiential learning experiences. If you enjoy a journey, this is an exceptional tool!

Martha Barnes, Ed.S, LPC, NCC
Coordinator of Experiential Education, Job Location & Development
University of New Orleans Counseling and Career Center